“….Well inilah penyebabnya mengapa akhirnya Fibonacci menjadi ilmu analisa teknikal khusus, dan bahkan dengan angka akurasi yang membuat kita mungkin tercengang yaitu 96% menurut Jeff Boyd seorang analis forex dalam sebuah artikelnya.”

(selengkapnya baca artikel tentang apa dan bagaimana,analisa Fibonacci? hanya di http://forexanalyze.blogspot.com)

Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Fibonacci :Method in Forex charts

Right to the point

Fibonacci Retracement Levels are:
0.382, 0.500, 0.618 — three the most important levels
Fibonacci retracement levels are used as support and resistance levels.

Fibonacci Extension Levels are:
0.618, 1.000, 1.618 — three the most important levels
Fibonacci extension levels are used as profit taking levels.

So, what we will learn today is how to apply Fibonacci tool and how to interpret results that we see on the screen.

To set up Fibonacci on the chart we need to find out:
1. Is it uptrend or downtrend?
2. Highest and lowest swings in the chart formation (A, B points).
And go with the trend!

So, click on Fibonacci tool from trading platform that you use.

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